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Overview Part 12

Let's Review Some Things

For the below assignment, you will be the Owner of Tic Tok video company


The goal is to create a budget that will leave you with THE MOST MONEY LEFT OVER.

Hint: for example, the less money you spend, the more you will have left over.

Pick the best answers below to create a budget for your company above.



Rate Today's Experience on a scale of 1 to 5. (Example: 5 stars means you really enjoyed this assignment. 1 star means you really didn't enjoy it. Anything in-between is ok too.)Rate Today's Experience on a scale of 1 to 5. (Example: 5 stars means you really enjoyed this assignment. 1 star means you really didn't enjoy it. Anything in-between is ok too.)

We've heard a lot of your requests and will try our best to add them to assignments in the next few weeks (like games, video gaming and others).

The Kid Buxx team was pretty busy in December & January due to real life taxes and dealing with the real Internal Revenue Service.

We are refocused and committed to making the experience better as we set a new launch date of 04/01/2021 (this if Financial Literacy Month).

Thank you for your hard work and continuing to build your money !

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